Friday, December 3, 2010

Lazy days

Today was a very lazy day for this family. Even our dog Emma was just lounging around. I did get lots of cleaning and organizing my scraping supplies today. I have been trying to figure out the best way to organize my stickers but I have been trying out tons of ideas and nothing really suites me so we will see how this one does. I GOT AND IPAD! Can you tell I'm excited. My loving hubby sent it to me for my Christmas present! My daughter and I have had lots of fun playing on it and figuring it out how to work the thing. It is really cool. I love that I can take it all over the house with me very easily. Love it! Oh and one more thing about it and then I'm done... this is what my husband engraved on the back : DSY+RDY= Love+AIY. His initials, my initials, love plus our daughter's initials....isn't that the cutest thing ever!

I was sad that I didn't get to blog yesterday but my parents and I took the little one to Sweet Lights at Hershey park. It was amazing. She was almost falling asleep by the time we got there because she had no nap yesterday :( busy day yesterday. When we got there she was totally awake and loved it.

Well today I actually did a little scraping. I am working on a project for our church youth group to complete with the younger kids on babysitting night. My brother is in charge and reached out for help from his very crafty mother and sister :) I am always glad to help. I made this cute little cocoa holder for my mom's work Christmas party. They are so adorable.  Thanks to Mary at Cardz TV for this adorable idea. So here is what we are doing....

These are much more simple then the ones I did for my mom. Those had snowman toppers and they were cut out and separate from the sentiment. We also added a chocolate dipped spoon and a candy cane. These we wanted to keep simple for the kids. This is such a cute little gift or favor for the holidays. Well I better get back to scrapping. I am going to be making snowflake ornaments for the kids to make and also making them for a cookie exchange my sister in law is having. Stay tuned for pictures and instructions for those :)

I just started checking out a blog hop. Came across this blog candy. Check it out... Thanks Scrapping  Mommy

Hope your evening ends scrappily ever after!

1 comment:

  1. Hey There Girl!

    Love the engraving on the sweet! The lights look so neat...Mike and I were driving to the store tonight and saw some cool ones around our neighborhood, we'll prob take the girls for a drive around to look at them all!

    Love the have great scrap skills! <3

    PS're an awesome friend thank you for the wonderful comment on my wedding blog!
