Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hello World of Blog

      Well this is my very first post on my blog I am so very exciting to finally get caught up with rest of the world. I have wanted to start this blog for sometime but had a terrible time thinking of a name. I wanted to incorporate my daughter's name, something about scrapbooking because that is mostly what I am going to be talking about besides everyday family and life stuff. But I finally settled on Scrappily Ever After because it spin on the Happily ever after like in a fairy tale. I think my life had been quite the story thus far and scrapbooking gives me the happily ever after feeling when life just spins out of control. So, I am so glad that I can share my crafty talents on this blog. I hope you enjoy. I will post pictures, project and occationally an svg that I created. I recently got Sure cuts a lot for my birthday, so I am learning how to use it more efficently everyday. Well that's all for tonight!

Hope your day ends Scrappily Ever After ;)


  1. Can't wait to see more and hear more!! You are so talented Becky, and you are a great wife, mother, woman, friend, daughter, sister, teacher!! SO happy for you girl!

  2. Thanks Di. I am so excited to be posting this on my blog. I feel like this gives me a new voice. :) You are a great friend!
